Where & When We Meet
On Sundays, we meet at 4601 43rd Ave. During the week, we gather in homes in the neighborhood as well as local restaurants, coffee shops, pubs, and other local establishments.
Sunday Dinner
We will sometimes gather for Sunday Dinner at a community.
Sunday Dinner is, well… dinner. It’s a potluck where we each bring some food, we gather at the table, and we share a meal together. We’ll connect with one another as we cultivate community together. We might reflect on the week, we may delve into a discussion or conversation, but for the most part, Sunday Dinner is an unscripted time and space where we’re just connecting.
*Location fluctuates
We believe that discipleship and spiritual formation are paramount, shaping us into faithful, compassionate individuals who reflect the teachings and love of Christ in our daily lives.
In this pursuit, we gather on Tuesdays at 6:45 for a deeper exploration where we grapple with scriptures and invite them to illuminate and reshape our lives.
We bring our questions and uncertainties, our unique perspectives and life experiences, striving to unearth deeper insight into God’s Word and how it forms us.
**We are currently meeting at an apartment on Skillman Ave & 46th St while we work toward securing a location.**
SUNDAYs at the table
On Most Sundays, we gather at 11:00am for a morning worship service. There’s time for connection, music & song, an engaging teaching, and discussion.
Parties and Celebrations
We love to have fun and celebrate life together! In addition to our regular rhythms and events, we also host a variety of social gatherings and parties throughout the year. From holiday parties to game nights, movie nights to restaurant meetups, there's always something happening at our church community in Sunnyside. We believe that these events are a great way to build relationships and cultivate a sense of belonging. Whether you're new to the area or just looking for a welcoming community, we invite you to join us for some fun and festivities. Contact us today to learn more about our upcoming events and how you can get involved!
We exist to make disciples that increasingly live like Jesus for the sake of the world.
Ephesians 3 says the church is the manifold wisdom of God on display to the principalities and powers. The essence of the Church’s purpose is to tell the story about the God we serve and to declare the heart of God to the world.
As we pursue this, we seek to be marked by specific values that can display God and what it looks & feels like to be loved by Jesus.
faithful pursuit
Those who work and live in this city can be known for focusing on success, education, and career above other things. As a community, we are committed to prioritizing the deep longings of our souls, knowing there is a God who meets. We seek to orient our lives to pursue communion with a God who is available to us at all times.
embodied participation
In his book Faithful Presence, David Fitch writes “Faithful presence names the reality that God is present in the world and that he uses a people faithful to his presence to make himself concrete and real amid the world’s struggles and pain” (10).
In the Garden of Eden, presence with God was lost. In the person of Jesus, presence takes on a new significance (“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” - John 1:14 MSG).
The Church, as the body of Christ, is invited to extend that presence into the world today. We are committed to empowering and equipping people with a theological vision and and sending them out live on mission for the sake of the kingdom.
biblical relevance
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” As such, we are committed to wrestling with the scriptures and allow them to confront and challenge how we live.
radical generosity
Living in this city is not easy for everyone. As a church, we seek to be committed to foregoing personal convenience for the purpose of building the type of community found in Acts, to give freely of our resources as a response to the generosity that God has toward us, and so it could be said that there are no needy among us.
The Table NYC is an affiliate church plant of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA).
The U.S. Alliance is part of a Christ-centered global movement more than 6 million strong. Our Acts 1:8 family—inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit—is passionate to bring the good news about Him to our neighborhoods and world.
The V3 Movement is a movement of practitioners who provide training in new but rooted ways of being the church. Find out more below.
Redeemer City to City is a non-profit organization that prayerfully recruits, trains, coaches and resources leaders who cultivate gospel movements in global cities primarily through church planting. Find out more below.
Stadia Church Planting brings people and churches together to transform lives and communities through church planting. Stadia provides planter care & training to create the healthiest servants and most sustainable church planting environments via their formal assessment, coaching, training, & support. Find out more below.